Horses are tough and rugged animals but even the heartiest of equine breeds will need some protection when foul weather rolls in. If you own a horse farm or have horses on your property consider having a sturdy pole barn run in shed constructed to keep these animals safe from rain, snow, wind and other outdoor hazards. CHA Pole Barns has years of experience designing and installing high quality horse shelters to farmers throughout the mid-Atlantic region including Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia and Maryland. Whether you have work horses for pulling and hauling or race horses give the sturdy and durable horse barns to ensure they are given the safest and best protection possible.
Pole barns are easy to install and can be constructed quickly so you can have a solid horse run in shelter up and ready in no time. Affordable but not cheap these pole barn buildings give you the option of adding custom features such as windows, stalls and additional doors to custom fit your specific needs. CHA Pole Barn can custom build a single horse shelter or a larger horse barn to house several horses comfortably and have additional storage room for hay and oats. Unlike traditional barns that can be rather costly and time-consuming, pole barn horse shelters are economical and can sometimes be completed in as little as one day.
Though called horse barns and horse shelters these multi-purpose pole buildings can also be used for other farm animals including pigs, sheep, chickens and cattle depending on the circumstances. Should a sudden rain or hail storm blow over your farm you’ll have a safe shelter where you can quickly herd farm animals to keep them safe. CHA Pole Barns offers custom pole building solutions in Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia and specialize in post-frame construction methods so you get the flexibility you need from your horse shelter.