Pole barns can be built in a wide range of sizes and styles. While that versatility is appealing, it can also make things confusing when trying to choose a design. One of the most important decisions you will have to make is how tall your pole barn should be. Several factors may come into play.
How Do You Plan to Use the Pole Barn?
Your pole barn’s intended purpose will be one of the primary factors that will influence its height. If you plan to store a tall vehicle or large equipment, such as a boat, trailer, or tractor, inside the pole barn, the building will need to be tall enough to give you plenty of clearance. Under some circumstances, it may make sense to build a two-story pole barn. The sizes of the doors will also affect the overall size and design of the building.
If you think you might use the pole barn for a different purpose at some later date, design it with your potential future needs in mind. That will enable you to use the building in another way down the road without having to make structural changes.
How Can a Pole Barn Be Designed to Resist Damage?
No matter what height you choose for your pole barn, it should be designed and constructed with structural integrity in mind. It will need to be able to resist both vertical and lateral loads, or forces acting parallel and perpendicular to the walls. Those may include wind, the weight of snow on the roof, and the weight of the building itself. A continuous load path will have to transfer those forces from one building component to another, and eventually to the ground. That can be done using columns and a diaphragm.
How Will Location Affect Your Pole Barn’s Design?
The parcel of land where you intend to build a pole barn may have a road nearby, or it may be close to the boundary separating your property from your neighbor’s. Another structure, such as a house or a shed, may impact your design options. Local rules may require you to construct your pole a minimum distance from another structure or from the property line. You will also have to make sure that you adhere to building codes that specify what types of structures may be constructed and where, as well as any restrictions on size and height.
Get Professional Help with Pole Barn Design and Construction
The team at CHA Pole Barns can guide you through the design process. We can listen to how you plan to use the building, as well as your preferences in terms of size and design. We can work with you to choose the options that best suit your needs and then construct a pole barn to your specifications. Contact us today to get an estimate.