Need a Pole Barn Builder in Maryland? Choose CHA Pole Barns


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If you’re in the market to construct a new dwelling or storage space, then you’re also probably familiar with the time and money involved in this process. There are ways today to save on building costs and still get a space that offers maximum benefit with pole barns.

What is a Pole Barn?

A pole barn is not totally what it sounds like. Yes, the idea for the structures came from the affordable buildings farmers would construct to house their livestock and equipment, but today pole barns are used for everything from storage to habitable homes.

Pole barns, pole sheds, and other post-frame structures can be used for warehouses, garages and more. They are also being be highly customized with electric, plumbing, HVAC, and other amenities.

The dwelling includes walls made of aluminum or steel panels that are held up by poles spaced out 8 feet apart. Not only is it easier to construct and stronger, but you can also save on costs and have a highly functional space by using the post-frame construction style.

Save Time & Money

Classic home construction usually includes a lot of time and effort to get the foundation right from which the home is built upon. With pole barns, terrain that isn’t totally level isn’t an issue because concrete is poured to level the flooring after the poles and footing are in place. This significantly cuts down on time and costs in the building process.  Add to this, the fact that the wall construction allows for better insulation in pole barns versus those that traditionally feature load-bearing walls, and the reason more people are considering pole barns becomes evident.


Choosing a company you can rely on to build these dwellings goes without saying. You’ll need a properly built structure by contractors with knowledge and expertise to reap the most benefit. If you’re in Maryland, and thinking about having a pole barn constructed, CHA Pole Barns is a trusted post frame builder you can count on and one of the leading pole barn builders in the Mid-Atlantic region.

The company has years of expertise and is dedicated to helping customers come up with a project that meets their needs and budget. If you’re in Maryland, contact CHA to construct your pole barn, horse barn, garage, storage building, commercial building, farm storage building, or even your home.

When you're ready, contact CHA Pole Barns to talk about your pole barn project.

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