If you want to quickly build a new home and have design flexibility while keeping costs down, a pole barn house can be an excellent choice. The options are virtually endless.
Design Choices and Exterior Appearance
A pole barn has poles driven into the ground or anchored above ground that support the roof. Unlike a stud-wall house, a pole barn home doesn’t have any load-bearing walls. That gives the owner incredible flexibility when it comes to deciding how to divide the interior into rooms, as well as the ability to choose an open floorplan. Pole barn houses can have one or more floors, and even a basement for extra storage space. A garage can be attached if necessary. A variety of window and door styles can be chosen.
Pole barn homes can have a wide range of exterior covering materials. Wood and metal siding are two of the most common choices, but stone and cement panels are other options. Some homeowners prefer to have the exterior of the house look like a modified barn, while some pole barn homes don’t resemble barns at all.
Quick and Easy Construction
Building a pole barn house is much faster and simpler than constructing a typical house. It can be too complicated for most people to do themselves, however, so you will probably have to hire a builder or contractor for the construction. Still, if your goal is to move into your new home quickly, choosing a pole barn house kit could dramatically speed up the process.
A pole barn kit includes all the materials and plans needed to build a house. Since an architect doesn’t need to be hired to draw up plans from scratch and materials don’t need to be purchased from multiple sources, a pole barn can be a much more affordable option than designing and constructing a traditional house.
Many horse owners decide to build a pole barn instead since the process is much simpler and faster. When choosing a design for your barn, you should also consider your horses’ comfort and safety and your current and future needs. Here are some building tips to consider.
Design your horse barn with some extra stalls. If you decide to get more horses in the future, you will already have enough space and won’t have to worry about building an addition. If you don’t get more horses, you will have plenty of storage space.
Make sure the stalls are large enough for your horses to move around comfortably. You should also design the aisles so they will be wide enough for a horse to walk alongside the person leading it.
When it comes to doors for the stalls, sliding doors are simple and cost-effective. They also make less noise than some other types of doors, which means they are less likely to spook horses. Doors can be designed with one piece that slides to the side or two pieces that meet in the middle and can slide in either direction.
Designate a section of the barn for tack. Saddles, blankets, bridles, brushes, and other equipment should be kept in a separate area free from dirt, dust, and moisture. Set aside an area for food, but keep hay in a separate building. If the barn were to catch fire, the hay would quickly go up in flames. The fire could then spread throughout the barn, and your horses’ lives could be in danger.
Good ventilation is essential for your horses’ health. Many horse barns are designed with large doors at either end that can be left open in mild weather. The barn should also have roof vents. Fans in the ceiling and stalls can help with air circulation.
Let as much natural light as possible into your horse barn to keep your electricity bills down. Windows without glass can let in both light and warmth to keep your horses comfortable. Dutch doors can be opened at the top to allow in light and fresh air, while the bottom can be kept closed to keep the horses in the barn.
Consider the Benefits of a Pole Barn House
Pole barn homes are becoming increasingly popular among people who want to quickly and affordably build a house. Pole barns offer incredible design flexibility because of the lack of load-bearing walls. If you want to build a new home quickly, a pole barn house could be your best option.
CHA Pole Barns offers kits with a wide range of designs that can be customized to meet your specific needs and preferences. We can also construct the building for you so you can be confident that the work was done right. Contact us today to learn more.